HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation
  • HT-ETF Thickening Flotation

HT-ETF Thickening Flotation

High concentration water treatment.

HT-ETF Thickening Flotation

Water TreatmentHigh Concentration WastewaterThickening Treatment 

Water TreatmentHigh Concentration WastewaterThickening Treatment 

Water TreatmentHigh Concentration WastewaterThickening Treatment

Application Fields

·        Pretreatment of high concentration wastewater in the fields of slaughterhouse, dyeing & desizing, stainless steel pickling and fruit pulps, etc.

·        Sludge thickening treatment of municipal residual activated sludge.



Performance Parameters

·        High concentration wastewater

o   Influent SS:2000-20000mg/L

o   Effluent SS:30-200mg/L

·        Sludge loading treatment 800~1500kg/(m²·D)

·        Municipal residual activated sludge

o   Influent sludge moisture 98%~99.8%

o   Effluent sludge moisture 93%~96%

Technical Parameters

Model Capacity (m³ /H )Dimension
L *W *H (mm) 
Empty load weight (T) Full load weight (T)Recycling pump (kW)Air compressor (kW) Skimmer (kW)Mixer1 (kW)Mixer2 (kW)Installed power (kW)
HT -ETF25 254800*2000*28505.0305.50.750.
HT -ETF50 506000*2200*28506.0457.51.500.22.21.512.90
HT -ETF100 1008000*3000*31008.58315.
HT -ETF200 20016500*3200*310016.017122.
HT -ETF300 30018400*3800*310019.022537.05.500.82.24.449.90

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